Raw Historical Data
The historical data is saved as is from the various weather instrumentation sources and is not under Quality Control. Some data may be missing as a result of communication outages, power outages, routine maintenance and calibration. However, the missing data may be available from other sources. Please contact the KSC Weather Office, (321) 861-4460, prior to using the data to ensure the most appropriate and applicable use of the data. Frequently the weather office can provide technical advice to guide any research activities toward local operations at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.
ATTENTION: It is the responsibility of the user of this data to validate the data for accuracy and its application for the intended use.
Rainfall Data
• ASCII Rain Gauge Data• Climatology Spreadsheets
• Binary Electric Potential Gradient Data (Field Mill)• ASCII Electric Potential Gradient 1-Minute Mean Data
• ASCII Electric Potential Gradient 50Hz Data
• Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR; 1994-2009)
• Lightning Detection and Ranging 2 (LDAR2; 2008-4/5/2017)
• Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS; 1993-2008)
• Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System 2 (CGLSS2; 2008-4/5/2017)
• Cloud-to-Ground Lightning (MERLIN C-G; 4/5/2017-present)
• Cloud-to-Cloud Lightning (MERLIN C-C; 4/5/2017-present)
Upper Air Soundings
• Atmospheric Meteorological Profiling System (AMPS) Low-Resolution Data (Rawinsonde)• Atmospheric Meteorological Profiling System (AMPS) High-Resolution Data
• Rawinsonde Data
• Jimsphere Data
Wind Profiler
ATTENTION: The 50-MHz Doppler Radar Wind Profiler was replaced in 2014 with a new RAPTOR® FBS-MST 48-MHz system. The new system is referred to as the 48-MHz Tropospheric Doppler Radar Wind Profiler (TDRWP) and was not brought online continuously until January 2015. Data was not collected during the transition to the new TDRWP from March 2014 to November 2014
• 915Mhz Wind Data• TDRWP 48 Mhz Profiler Data (5 minute averages)
• TDRWP 48 Mhz Profiler Data (1 hour averages)
• 915Mhz RASS Data
Weather Tower
• Weather Tower Data• Weather Tower Data (5 minute averages)
Cape Weather Surveillance Radar (WSR)
• Cape WSR RadarOther
• Corrosion Lab Data• Ground Observation Data
• Mesonet Data
• Ocean Temperature Data