
Bateman, M., D. Mach, S. Lewis, J. Dye, E. Defer, C. Grainger, P. Willis, H. Christian and F. Merceret, 2003: Comparison of in-situ Electric Field and Radar Derived Parameters for Stratiform Clouds in Central Florida, EOS Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE21A-1091, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 8 - 12 December 2003.
Bateman, M., D. Mach, S. Lewis, J. Dye, E. Defer, C.A. Grainger, P. Willis, H. Christian and F.J. Merceret, 2005: Comparison of in-situ electric field and radar derived parameters for stratiform clouds in Central Florida, Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning, American Meteorological Society, Hyannis, MA, 9 - 13 January, 2005.
Bauman, W.H., W.P. Roeder, R.A. Lafosse, D.W. Sharp and F.J. Merceret, 2004: The Applied Meteorology Unit - Operational Contributions to Spaceport Canaveral, 11th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Hyannis, MA, 4-8 October 2004.
Case, J.L., J. Manobianco, J.E. Lane, C.D. Immer and F.J. Merceret, 2004: An objective technique for verifying sea breezes in high-resolution numerical weather prediction models, Wea. Forecasting, 19(4), 690-705.
Case, J.L., W.C. Lambert, J.E. Lane, C.D. Immer, F.J. Merceret and J.G. Ward, 2003: Using a Suite of Observational and Forecasting Tools to Study a Sea/Land Breeze Event, AMS 10th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Portland, OR, 23-27 June 2003.
Case, J.L., W.H. Bauman, T. Wilfong, W. Lambert, F.J. Merceret and J.G. Ward, 2006: Using a Network of Boundary Layer Profilers to Characterize the Atmosphere at a Major Spaceport, 7th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, Boulder, CO, 11-17 June 2006.
Dunn, C.A. and F.J. Merceret, 2008: Handling lightning and other weather-related nuisances, Innovation, April/May 2008, 26 - 28.
Dunn, C.A. and F.J. Merceret, 2008: The Applied Meteorology Unit: True Techlology Transfer, ASK Magazine, Spring 2008, 13 - 16.
Dye, J.E., E. Defer, J. Hagen, B. Hall, C.A. Grainger, M. Poellot, M. Brown, H. Christian, M. Bateman, D. Mach, M. Stewart, P. Willis and F. Merceret, 2000: Electric Field and Associated Microphysical Measurements in the Anvil of a Florida Thunderstorm, Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 16 December 2000.
Dye, J.E., E. Defer, W. Deierling, C.A. Grainger, M. Bateman, D. Mach, H. Christian, P. Willis, and F. Merceret, 2001: Observations of the decay of anvils over Kennedy Spacec Center, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un., 82, F147, Fall AGU meeting, San Franscisco, CA, December 2001.
Dye, J.E., E. P. Krider, F.J. Merceret, J.C. Willett, M.G. Bateman, D.M. Mach, W.D. Rust, R. Walterscheid, T.P. O’Brien and H.J. Christian, 2008: Analysis of proposed 2007-2008 revisions to the lightning launch commit criteria for United States space launches, Paper 8.2, Thirteenth AMS Conference on Aviation and Range Meteorology, New Orleans, LA, 28 - 31 January 2008.
Dye, J.E., J.C Willett, M.G. Bateman, H.J. Christian, E. Defer, C.A. Grainger, W.D. Hall, E.P. Krider, S.A. Lewis, D.M. Mach, F.J. Merceret and P.T. Willis, 2007: Electric Field, Particles and Reflectivity in Florida Anvils, presented at Internat. Conf. on Atmosph. Elec., Beijing, China, Aug. 13-17.
Dye, J.E., J.C. Willett, W.D. Hall, E. Defer, S. Lewis, D. Mach, M. Bateman, H. Christian, C.A. Grainger, P. Willis and F.J. Merceret, 2003: The Decay of Electric Fields in Anvils: Observations and Comparison with Model Calculations, Proc. Internat. Conf. on Atmos. Electricity, Versaille, France, 9-13 June 2003.
Dye, J.E., M. Bateman, D. Mach, H.J. Christian, C.A. Grainger, H. Koons, E.P Krider, F.J. Merceret and J.C. Willett, 2006: The Scientific Basis for a Radar-Based Lightning Launch Commit Criterion for Anvil Clouds, Paper 8.4, Twelfth AMS Conference on Aviation and Range Meteorology, Atlanta, GA, 29 January - 2 February 2006.
Dye, J.E., M.G. Bateman, H.J. Christian, E. Defer, C.A. Grainger, W.D. Hall, E.P. Krider, S.A. Lewis, D.M. Mach, F.J. Merceret, J.C. Willett and P.T. Willis, 2007: Electric Fields, Cloud Microphysics and Reflectivity in Anvils of Florida Thunderstorms, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D11215, doi:10.1029/2006JD007550..
Dye, J.E., S. Lewis, M.G. Bateman, D.M. Mach, F. J. Merceret, J. G. Ward and C.A. Grainger, 2004: Final Report on the Airborne Field Mill Project (ABFM) 2000-2001 Field Campaign, NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2004-211534, November 2004, 132 pp.
Dye, J.E., W.D. Hall, S. Lewis, E. Defer, G. Dix, J.C. Willett, C.A. Grainger, , P. Willis, M. Bateman, D.. Mach, H. Christian and F.J. Merceret, 2003: Microphysical Properties and the Decay of Electric Fields in Florida Anvils, presented at the AGU Fall Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2002.
Ebersole, D., F.J. Merceret, and B. Smith, 1999: The Doppler Radar Wind Profiler Project: Vector Analysis of Wind Changes Affecting Shuttle Launch at the Kennedy Space center. Mathematical Explorations I, NASA-AMATYC-NSF.C.T 1999.
Ernst, John A. and Francis J. Merceret, 1995: The Applied Meteorology Unit: A Tri-Agency Applications Development Facility Supporting the Space Shuttle. Preprints Sixth AMS Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, Dallas TX, January 15-20, 1995, pp. 266-269.
Fitzpatrick, M.E., R.S. Schumann, W.C. Lambert, F.J. Merceret, G.D. Wilke and J.D. Chapman, 2000: Operational Quality Control of 50 MHz DRWP Wind Profiles for Space-Lift Support, Paper # 8.17, 9th AMS Conference on Aviation and Range Meteorology, Orlando, Florida, 11-15 September 2000.
Huddleston, L.L., W.P. Roeder and F.J. Merceret, 2010: A method to estimate the probability that any individual lightning stroke contacted the surface within any radius of any point, 21st International Lightning Detection Conference, 19-20 April, 2010, Orlando, Florida.
Huddleston, L.L., W.P. Roeder and F.J. Merceret, 2012: A Probabilistic Facility-Centric Approach to Lightning Strike Location, NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2012-216308, January 2012, 39 pp.
Krider, E.P., H.J. Christian, J.E. Dye, H.C. Koons, J.T. Madura, F.J. Merceret, W.D. Rust, R.L. Walterscheid, and J.C. Willett, 2006: Natural and triggered lightning launch commit criteria, Paper 8.3, Twelfth AMS Conference on Aviation and Range Meteorology, Atlanta, GA, 29 January - 2 February 2006.
Lambert, W.C., F.J. Merceret, G.E. Taylor and Jennifer G. Ward, 2003: Performance of Five 915-MHz Wind Profilers and an Associated Automated Quality Control Algorithm in an Operational Environment, J. Atm. & Ocean. Tech., 20(11), 1488-1495.
Lane, J., F. Merceret, T. Kasparis, and L. Jones, 1998: Image Processing Techniques Applied to Rainfall Estimation from Radar Reflectivity Measurements, Twelfth Annual International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls, SPIE, Orlando FL, April 13-17 1998.
Lane, J., P. Glitto, D. Sharp, F. Merceret, G. McFarquhar, T. Kasparis , L. Jones and B. Fisher, 1998: Steps Toward Improved Radar Estimates of Convective Rainfall Using Spatial Averages Obtained from Rain Gauge Clusters, First International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, ERIM, Orlando FL, June 1-3, 1998.
Lucci, R.M., D.E. Harms, B.F. Boyd and F.J. Merceret 1998: Current and future wind profilers in support of the spacelift mission at the Eastern Range and Kennedy Space Center, 4th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, Snowmass, Colorado, September 21-25, 1998.
Madura, J.T., W.H. Bauman, F.J. Merceret. W.P. Roeder, F.C. Brody and B.C. Hagemeyer, 2011: The Applied Meteorology Unit: Nineteen Years Successfully Transitioning Research into Operations for America’s Space Program, Paper J10.2, 27th Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems, 91st Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Seattle, WA, 23-27 January, 2011.
Merceret, Francis J. and Robin S. Schumann, 2000: Use of the NASA KSC 50-MHz ST Profiler for Operational Support to Spaceflight - Part II, Characterization of the Atmosphere, 9th Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, Toulouse, France, 13-17 March, 2000.
Merceret, F.J. and H. Christian, 2000: KSC ABFM 2000 - A Field Program to Facilitate Safe Relaxation of the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria for the American Space Program, Paper # 6.4, 9th AMS Conference on Aviation and Range Meteorology, Orlando, Florida, 11-15 September 2000.
Merceret, F.J. and J.C. Willett, Editors, H.J. Christian, J.E. Dye, E.P. Krider, J.T. Madura, T.P. O'Brien, W.D. Rust, and R.L. Walterscheid, 2010: A History of the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria and the Lightning Advisory Panel for America's Space Program, NASA/SP-2010-216283, 234 pp.
Merceret, F.J. and J.G. Ward, 2006: Spatial properties of wind differences in the lowest three kilometers of the atmosphere, Poster P10.8, Twelfth AMS Conference on Aviation and Range Meteorology, Atlanta, GA, 29 January - 2 February 2006.
Merceret, F.J. and R. Scully, 2011: Processing the Shuttle for Flight: Space Operations Weather. In H. Lane, Wings in Orbit (pp 88 – 93), NASA/SP-2010-3409.
Merceret, F.J., 2006: Rapid Temporal Changes of Boundary Layer Winds, J. Appl. Meteor. & Climatol., 45(7), 1016-1020.
Merceret, F.J., 2008: Probability distributions of gust factors in land-falling hurricanes, Paper, 28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Orlando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 11C.1. [Available online at]
Merceret, F.J., 2009: Two Empirical Models for Land-falling Hurricane Gust Factors, National Weather Digest, 33(1), 27 - 35.
Merceret, F.J., D.A. Short and J.G. Ward, 2006: Radar Evaluation of Optical Cloud Constraints to Space Launch Operations, J. Spacecraft & Rockets, 43(1), 248-251.
Merceret, F.J., J.G. Ward, D.M. Mach, M.G. Bateman and J.E. Dye, 2008: On the Magnitude of Electric Fields Near Thunderstorm Associated Clouds, J. Appl. Meteor. & Climatol., 47(1), 240 - 248.
Merceret, F.J., T.Wilfong, W. Lambert, D. Short, R. Decker and J.G. Ward, 2006: Profiler Support for Operations at Space Launch Ranges, 7th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, Boulder, CO, 11-17 June 2006.
Merceret, F.J., W.H. Bauman III, W.P. Roeder, R.A. LaFosse and D.W. Sharp, 2004: A Decade of Weather Technology Delivered to America's Space Program by the Applied Meteorology Unit, 41st Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, FL, 27 - 29 April, 2004.
Merceret, Francis J. and John Manobianco, 2003: The Applied Meteorology Unit as a Model for Successfully Transitioning Research to Operations, Preprints, 57th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, Miami, FL, 10-14 March 2003.
Merceret, Francis J. and John Manobianco, 2003: The Applied Meteorology Unit as a Model for Successfully Transitioning Research to Operations, 28th Annual Meeting of the National Weather Association, Jacksonville, FL, 20 - 23 October, 2003.
Merceret, Francis J. and John T. Madura, 1994: Technology Transition -- Making the R&D Investment Pay Off, AIAA Symposium on Technology Transfer and Dual Use Technology, Cocoa Beach, FL March 16, 1994.
Merceret, Francis J. and W.C. Crawford, 2010: A Comparison of Tropical Storm (TS) and Non-TS Gust Factors for Assessing Peak Wind probabilities at the Eastern Range, Paper 5.6, Fourteenth AMS Conference on Aviation and Range Meteorology, Atlanta, GA, 17-21 January 2010.
Merceret, Francis J., 1995: Effect of Spatial Separation of Sensors on Crosswind Measurement at the Space Shuttle Landing Facility. Preprints Sixth AMS Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, Dallas TX, January 15-20, 1995, pp. 276-279.
Merceret, Francis J., 1995: The Effect of Sensor Sheltering and Averaging Techniques on Wind Measurements at the Shuttle Landing Facility. NASA TM-111262, October 1995, 42 pp.
Merceret, Francis J., 1995: The Effect of Sensor Spacing on Wind Measurements at the Shuttle Landing Facility, NASA Technical Paper 3529, January 1995, 45 pp.
Merceret, Francis J., 1997: Rapid Temporal Changes of Midtropospheric Winds. J. Appl. Meteor., 36(11), pp. 1567 - 1574.
Merceret, Francis J., 1998: Risk Assessment Consequences of the Lognormal Distribution of Mid-Tropospheric Winds, J. Spacecraft & Rockets, 35(1), pp. 111-112.
Merceret, Francis J., 1999: Estimating the Effect of Sensor Spacing on Peak Wind Measurements at Launch Complex 39, NASA TM-1999-208544, March 1999, 27pp.
Merceret, Francis J., 1999: The Vertical Resolution of the Kennedy Space Center 50 MHz Wind Profiler, J. Atm. & Ocean. Tech., 16(9), 1273-1278.
Merceret, Francis J., 2000: The Coherence Time of Mid-Tropospheric Wind Features as a Function of Vertical Scale from 300m to 2 Km, J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 2409-2420.
Merceret, Francis J., G.E. Taylor, B.F. Boyd, and J.A. Ernst, 1995: Applied Meteorology Unit Support to Modernizing Weather Infrastructure at the Eastern Range, National Weather Association Annual Meeting, Houston, TX 4-8 December 1995.
Pinter, D.J., F.J. Merceret and C.V. Hatley, 2006: Performance Validation of the Upgraded Eastern Range 50 MHz Wind Profiler, J. Spacecraft & Rockets, 43(3), 693-695.
Roeder, W., F. Merceret, S. Sokol, S. Heckman and G. Taylor, 1996: Meteorological Operational Research Requirements On the Central Florida Atlantic Coast in Support of the United States Space Program, Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 19-23 August 1996, pp 455-458.
Schumann, R.S., G.E. Taylor, F.J. Merceret and T.L. Wilfong, 1999: Performance Characteristics of the Kennedy Space Center 50 MHz Doppler Radar Wind Profiler Using the Median Filter/First Guess Data Reduction Algorithm, J. Atm. & Ocean. Tech., 16(5), 532-549.
Schumann, R.S., W.C. Lambert, F.J. Merceret and G.E. Taylor, 1998: Evaluation of signal processing improvements for radar wind profilers, 4th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, Snowmass, Colorado, September 21-25, 1998.
Schumann, Robin S. and Francis J. Merceret, 2000: Use of the NASA KSC 50-MHz ST Profiler for Operational Support to Spaceflight - Part I, Characterization of the Instrument, 9th Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, Toulouse, France, 13-17 March, 2000.
Short, D.A. and F.J. Merceret, 2005: On the Positive Bias of Peak Horizontal Velocity from an Idealized Doppler Profiler, J. Atm. & Ocean. Tech., 22, 98-104.
Short, D.A., L.A. Wells, F.J. Merceret and W.P. Roeder, 2007: An analysis of peak wind speed data from collocated mechanical and ultrasonic anemometers, Paper 5.6, 14th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, San Antonio, TX, 14-18 January 2007.
Smith, Brian and Francis J. Merceret, 2000: The Lognormal Distribution, College Mathematics Journal, 31, #4, 259-261.
Smith, Brian E and Francis J. Merceret, 2004: A Stochastic Model of Wind Velocities at the Kennedy Space Center, Abstract, 110th Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Phoenix, AZ, 7 - 10 January 2004.
Starr, S., D. Sharp, F. Merceret, J. Madura and M. Murphy, 1998: LDAR, A Three-Dimensional Lightning Warning System: Its Development and Use by the Government, and Transition to Public Availability, 1998: 35th Space Congress, Cocoa Beach FL, April 28- May 1 1998.
Ward, J.G. and F.J. Merceret, 2004: An Automated Cloud-Edge Detection Algorithm Using Cloud Physics and Radar Data, J. Atm. & Ocean. Tech., 21(5), 762-765.
Ward, J.G. and F.J. Merceret, 2004: Electric Field Magnitude and Radar Reflectivity as a Function of Distance from Cloud Edge, NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2004-211530, September 2004, 25pp.
Ward, J.L., F.J. Merceret and C.A. Grainger, 2003: An Automated Cloud-edge Detection Algorithm Using Cloud Physics and Radar Data, NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2003-211189, June 2003, 20 pp.
Willett, John C. and Francis J. Merceret, Editors, E. Philip Krider, James E. Dye, T. Paul O"Brien, W. David Rust, Richard L. Walterscheid, John T. Madura, and Hugh J. Christian, 2010: Rationales for the Lightning Flight Commit Criteria, NASA/TP-2010-216291, 248 pp.

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