The Spaceport Weather Data Archive is a repository of all locally collected weather data at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. Note that weather radar data is excluded. Included in the Spaceport Weather Data Archive are:
- Weather Towers at Multiple levels (up to 492 feet)
- Electric Field Mills
- Cloud to Ground and Inter/Intracloud Lightning Detection Systems
- 50 MHz and 915 MHz Doppler Radar Wind Profilers (including their Spectral Data)
- Rain Gauges
- Upper Air Soundings
- Human Surface Observations
- Other Weather Related Data
The Spaceport weather data is updated every 60 minutes for certain instruments and as frequently as 15 minutes for other instrumentation. CGLSS (Cloud to Ground Lightning) data is updated every 30 minutes. Reference the specific links to validate the frequency of updates. Data is available 24/7 over a publicly accessible website.
The data is saved as is from the instrumentation and is not under Quality Control. Some data may be missing as a result of communications outages, power outages, routine maintenance, and calibration. But the missing data may be available from other sources. Please confer with the KSC Weather office at (321) 861-4460 prior to using the data to ensure the most appropriate and most applicable use of the data. Frequently the weather office can provide technical advice to guide any research activities toward local operations at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.
Some of the data may not be available online due to disk space limitations. If you need any of this data, please contact the curator of this website.