010627 -- Case Summary Flight Times: 1434 - 1733 ANVIL CASE DAY Attenuation Times for 010627: 1550 to 1700 Case 1: The aircraft enters into the mass of cores. Case 2: The anvil is growing at this time and the maximums in the microphysics are probably due to close proximity to cores during turn arounds. Case 3: Again the aircraft turns around in cores. This is another part of the cloud system and probably has a different anvil source. Case 1: The aircraft first investigates the anvil produced by a more vigorous cell of the complex during the period 1545 to 1615 (CASE 1). The last lightning from this cell that formed the anvil was ~1424. By the time the Citation flights in the anvil started one hour later, near 1520 the Electric fields were already weak (<3 kV/m) in areas of the anvil CASE 2 (1545 to 1615) Anvil formed from maritime cells approaching from ESE with anvils moving off to NNE, later cells develop in a N-S line just E of the coast. A complex cluster of maritime cells were moving towards KSC from the ESE. The A/C first flew through one cell of this system at 1453 to 1457 from 3 to 5 km as it was climbing to higher altitudes. These cells had been fairly intense with lots of lightning somewhat earlier in the cell history from 1335 to 1420. The last lightning in the cell investigated by the A/C occurred in the 1421 to 1424 CAPPI. The first pass through the anvil was from 1520 to 1530 at ~ 11 km showing weak E fields until the A/C approached a cellular core in which some LDAR sources occurred at ~1527. The MER plots suggest that radar tops may have been as high as 19to 20 km for some of the stronger cells. During studies of CASE 2 from ~1615 to ~1715 the Citation flew in complex anvils and sometimes near cells formed from a N-S line of cells just E of the coast and KSC. Precip was often reaching the ground in many of the regions flown in by the aircraft. There was some attenuation of the 74C signal by intervening precip. CASE 3 (~1615 to ~1715) Anvil formed from complex line of maritime cells