010610 -- Case Summary Flight Times: 1958 - 2346 ANVIL CASE DAY Attenuation Times for 010610: 2200 to 2300 Example of Wet Radome Attenuation Close comparison between NEXRAD and 74C CAPPIs and especially MER plots shows severe Wet radome attenuation of 74C. The 2210 to 2220 MER plots show as much as 20 to 25 dBZ attenuation of 74C. Additionally, some intervening precip. attenuation of 74C may have occurred from ~2205 to about 2240. Case 1: A little bit of anvil at 2025, and some low level reflectivity at takeoff. Mostly this time frame is spent around convection with a lot of lightning. Case 2: Much of this is flown very close to the source. Case 3: There was lightning associated with this part of the cloud about 2109 and bases are at least down to the 4km level. The last lightning in this part of the line was about 2130. Case 4: The aircraft gets close to the source about 2237 and 2240. Case 5: Animation of this line shows a due-East motion, but if you look at individual cells there is a slight southern motion. A line of severe thunderstorms moved north of KSC out over the ocean putting out extensive debris to the NE. Initially was more like a stratiform region but part of this area produced an anvil to the SE. The Citation followed this stratiform debris/anvil from 20:25 to 23:20 UTC. An excellent case to compare transitions from weak to strong E fields with reflectivity both aloft and below the aircraft, but is a little complex meteorologically.