010607 -- Case Summary Flight Times: 1717 - 2027 There was no attenuation of the 74C radar during this flight. The satellite photos show a broad area of convection over and to the west of Kennedy Space Center. The A/C worked two different regions of this complex cluster of small but moderate intensity cells which had radar tops at times to 15 km and produced lots of lightning. Case 1 was flown for the most part directly over Kennedy Space Center and the surface field mill network. Passes were made in and out of very active cells in which lightning frequently occurred. Aircraft passes were made first at 7 km and then the aircraft descended to make passes below the active convection at 1.5 km. The E field measurements from these passes should be interesting to compare with the Surface E fields from the KSC network. Case 1 (~1737 to ~1935) There was quite a bit of lightning in the earlier stages of the flight. The first case (~1740 to 1820) was a decaying cell with debris north of KSC which becomes attached to new developing cells over KSC Lightning strike to the Citation at 17:46:25 on the south end of a growing line of cells. A storm north of KSC was developing an anvil southward. The plane headed for the anvil, but was held just short and just below by ATC. First case was followed by a spiral down to 5 kft from 18:20 -18:40 for passes over the KSC network for E change comparisons with the surface E mill network. However, cells over SLF made it hard to fly over the network. This case is good for comparison with KSC Sfc Field Mills Case 2 (~1936 to 2007): passes in stratiform debris with embedded cells From 19:10 to ~1935 started with passes from NNW to SSE at 23 kft in and over stratiform debris with embedded convection, strong Efield. Reflectivity gradients usually pretty sharp. case 3: Late decay stage of detached anvil This used to be the convection that created the anvil in Case 2 The third case was a decaying detached anvil east of KSC with excellent measurements between 19:38 - 20:03 UTC. The last lightning from this storm was approximately 90 minutes earlier. Made N-S passes first at FL 250 and then at FL 210. E field was very weak.