000628 - 1 -- Case Summary Flight Times: 1400 - 1511 - Flight 1 Flight Times: 1809 - 2135 - Flight 2 ANVIL CASE DAY There was no radar attenuation during this flight. NOTE: The 2D probe operated intermittently on this flight. FSSP is a better indicator of when the A/C was in cloud. 000628-1 1 decayed anvil from small cells 2 decayed anvil debris 000628-2 3 decaying debris of anvil 4 decay of small anvil 5 decay attach. anvil with active core Flight 1 Case 1 Last lightning occurred about 1305. It is possible the lightning that occurs at 1427, at (-40,-10) is this same cell. Case 2 Last lightning occurred about 1305. Flight 2 Case 3 The "core" for this case is directly over the radar, inside the "radar void". Case 4 The aircraft missed most of the anvil for this case. It was usually sampled when the aircraft was turning around. Case 5 The aircraft remained too close to the core when sampling this anvil case. Flight 1 - 1404 to 1510 The system was moving/growing in a NNW direction, parallel to the coast line (NW and W of Vero Beach). It looks like the convection or new convection is "out running" the anvil. When you can run the radar as a loop the system appears to decay just before it reaches the cape, then picks up again on the northern edge at KSC. The speed of the whole system is going (on average) about 5.5 m/s up the coast. I believe that the later cells that form over KSC have the same source as the earlier cell system. The aircraft arrived too late for anvil decay studies. Although it is a good case for showing that the fields an hour after last lightning were small. There were weak fields and small particle concentrations an hour after the last CG. Flight 2 - 1815 to 2132 All passes in these active cells had E fields of 10 -15 KV/m or more. Lots of lightning in these storms even where the A/C flew. The flight is not good for examining decay of E with space or time, but does show that when E is >10 KV/m N30 is at least 100-1000 /L or more and N1 is often >1 /L. The storm system that the aircraft studied during the second flight of this day was relatively stationary. It started over the cape and the cells that formed tended to grow and decay without much translation (at the 7km level). The first cells of this system started up by 1600. There was a cell directly over the cape at 1600. A couple of small cells begin to form just to the north. There are also cells that are forming to the southwest of the cape. The lightning data shows all of the cells in the vicinity of KSC were active until about 1700. The last CG in the cell over the radar occurred sometime around 1640 or 1655, although there was some IC until about 1714. The cell that is right over the radar appears to have an anvil extending into the south-west direction. As the cell over the radar decays there is another cell to the south of that one which starts up at about 1714. The lightning images show that there is IC and some CG starting in this southern cell at about 1725. When the aircraft takes off it climbs into the debris of the (or the decayed) anvil of the cell that was right in the radar hole. At this time the cells that were forming to the north and the ones that were growing to the southwest have gone beyond their prime and are merging, forming a NE-SW line the is just north of the cape. The aircraft does a spiral (1830) right along the trailing edge of the system that was right over the radar. The aircraft next goes to investigate the cell to the south. It looks like the aircraft reaches this cell in the decay stage, but it doesn't look like the aircraft flew into the anvil of this cell. As the northern system decayed, a new system (2 or 3 cells) began to form. This is the storm that the aircraft flew to investigate at 2000. It, too, appears to have an anvil blowing off to the southwest. It was into this anvil that the aircraft flew, making several passes from about 2000 to 2100. The 4km level would suggest a slow NE motion of the reflectivity. The 10km level would suggest a motion to the SW, I suspect this could be the anvils blowing off in that direction. Case 5 Decay of attached anvil with active core From about 2000 until end of the flight the A/C made NW-SE passes through the anvil of a storm which initially was actively producing lightning. The E fields had started to decay to moderate E by the end of the passes.