Synthesis for June 5, 2001

This is a (relatively) stationary convetive system. The cores decay practically in place and that is what the aircraft sampled.
Summary for June 5, 2001
Investigator: (Eric Defer)
Preliminary Results
Description: Four clouds were sampled that day. All storms except storm #3 exhibited strong electric field.
Storm #1...
Storm #2 was a maritime case. The storm was located about 150 km away from the 74C radar in a south-east direction.
Passes were made at the western side of the storm. Strong electric field was sensed (to 50 kV/m). The storm was still electrically active according to the measurements of the lightning sensors.
Storm #3 was located about 50 km away from the 74C radar in a south-west direction. The electric field was very weak but noisy.
Storm #4 was loacted west of KSC. The first pass was performed in the anvil in the direction of the core, while second pass was done in the opposite direction. The electric field was sensed increasing in direction to the core.
Summary - storm #1

Summary - storm #2

Summary - storm #3

Summary - storm #4


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