Synthesis for June 14, 2000

Summary for June 14, 2000
Investigator: (S. Lewis)
Lightning Activity for Case 1 (compiled by Eric Defer)
Case 1
The aircraft flies in an along line pattern into an anvil NW of KSC.
(If you can loop through CAPPIs 1931 to 2159, and MER's 2110 to 2200 you can see the development of the anvil.) If you can't do the loops the single images that are representative of the system are:

Case 2
The aircraft flew to a storm SW of KSC at about 2210.
To watch the development of this system I would recommend looping between 2000 and the end of the radar processing. Since the aircraft didn't get there until 2212 we will start our discussion at that time. The relevant loops for the mer plots would be from 2210 until the end of the flight.

So this case has several weak anvil cases. Case 1 was in decay and Case 2 still had lightning in the area.
The E vs Reflectivity plots don't really have any surprises. I would like to note that the scatter plot for "at the aircraft" has a single point at reflectivity at 5dBZ with E at 15kV/m, this point is elevated to 7 or 8 dBZ when box averages are taken. Just another reason not to believe single point-to-point comparisons.
Efield vs Reflectivity Scatter Plots Directory
End Summary

The flight for this day took off about 21:06 and covered 2 cases. The research legs were flown at 8.8 km (-32C).
This system was north of KSC. The motion of the system is NW at about 5 m/s. An anvil blows off to the SE and can be seen at:

The aircraft reaches the 2nd Case about